Twitter News — Twitter Anniversary
Twitter Remind You Twitter Anniversary
Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! Simple, the month and year is displayed in my profile but not the date. In fact, it is displayed to the audience in the profile of all Twitter members. Twitter would also remind you on the day of your Twitter Anniversary. Now you know the date as well.
I have completed Nine Years on Twitter on September 26, 2018.
Nine Years on Twitter

Twitter sends you a notofication to remind you about your Twitter Anniversary, as they did it for me.
Twitter (@Twitter) tweeted on September 26, 2018:
It’s your Twitter anniversary! Celebrate with a special Tweet created just for you.
If you click it, Twitter would take you to the ‘Compose new Tweet‘ window with a special Tweet created just for you along with an anniversary image. You may use the tweet as it is, or edit the text and replace the image before you tweet it.
#MyTwitterAnniversary Tweet
Subrato Paul @goldentwine
Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! #MyTwitterAnniversary
Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! #MyTwitterAnniversary
— Subrato Paul (@goldenTwine) September 26, 2018
Tweet Counter — 2,02,500 Tweets
Thanks, Twitterati for your response. According to Tweet Counter (@tweetcounter), I have tweeted around 2,02,500 times in the last nine years.
‘@goldenTwine No need to be twimidated, just a few more to 202500!’
Nine Years on Twitter — 2,02,500 Tweets

@goldenTwine No need to be twimidated, just a few more to 202500!
— Tweet Counter (@tweetcounter) September 13, 2018
When Did You Join Twitter?
If you want to know the exact date and even time when you joined Twitter then there are many tools that let you find out. Find below two of them that I found accurate.
My Twitter Birthday
When is my Twitter Birthday? Find out the exact date and time you created your Twitter account.
You were born at 11:48 AM on Saturday September 26, 2009.

How old is your Twitter account? When you signed up for Twitter? How long have you been tweeting?
Find out your Twitter age! Auto-tweet your anniversaries!

Twitter Counter — Subrato Paul’s Story
Twitter Counter is the #1 Twitter stats site powered by Twitter.
@goldenTwine tweets very frequently, with an average of 4.68 tweet(s) per day in the past 30 days. However this seems to be a big change from a total of 202,539 since @goldenTwine joined Twitter.
It seems like Subrato Paul is commanding an enormous amount of attention on Twitter, with an audience attentiveness score of 100%, which stems from being tracked on 2,153 Twitter lists and normalized to their 29,247 followers.
You may follow Subrato Paul (@goldentwine) on Twitter:
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