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Most Spectacular Images of 2015

Most striking and beautiful photos of 2015 from volcanic eruption to Martian craters.

Most Spectacular Images of 2015

The year 2015 is over. We are publishing on our blog ten unforgettable photos of 2015 added from Yahoo News for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy ten most striking and beautiful photos of 2015 from volcanic eruption to Martian craters that you cannot forget.

Season Colours of Autumn

Dazzling displays of autumn colours in parks, gardens and forests.

Season Colours of Autumn

Do you love autumn? Autumn is a favorite time of the year to capture the beauty of nature, enjoying a walk in a spectacular landscape of autumn colours or jumping in fallen leaves. Colourful foliage and the changing of the seasons create incredible landscape with beautiful autumn colours. The spectacle is so popular that people plan entire vacations around the possibility of seeing the autumn foliage.

2014 North American Cold Wave

Spectacular icy images as deep freeze stretches across North America

Wavy Polar Vortex on Jan 5, 2014

The 2014 North American cold wave was an extreme weather event believed to have originated from a distortion in the large cyclone near the Earth’s north pole, also known as the polar vortex, resulting in heavy snowfall. A deadly blast of arctic air shattered decades-old temperature records across the United States and Canada.

Amazing Snow Sculptures

Weekend image post brings you amazing art of snow sculpture

Snow Sculptures

Snow sculpture is a sculpture form most of it is now practiced outdoors, and often in full view of spectators, thus giving it kinship to performance art in the eyes of some. The materials and the tools differ widely, but often include hand tools such as shovels, hatchets, and saws.

Amazing Colored Pencil Sculptures

Creative and impressive pencil sculptures by Jennifer Maestre

Pencil Sculptures

Jennifer Maestre creates beautiful, creative, inspiring sculptures with colored pencils. She was originally inspired by the form and function of sea urchins. I visited her website, and I was so amazed with her art that I took her written permission to publish in our weekend image blog post some of her amazing pencil sculptures.

Holiday Easter Eggs

Google has a tradition of perpetrating fun holiday tricks

Holiday Easter Eggs

An Easter egg is an intentional hidden message or an in-joke inserted into a computer program or web page. Various Google services also hide Easter eggs meant to be amusing entertainment. This holiday seasons, the site was filled with many fun holiday tricks to help people get into the holiday spirit.

YouTube Snowflakes

Watch snowflakes fall and accumulate inside your videos.

YouTube Snowflakes

Like Google, YouTube is getting into the holiday spirit too by adding a snowflake button on some of its videos that allows snowflakes to fall and accumulate at the bottom of the video. The button appears at the bottom right-hand side of the video. When you click it, snowflakes begin to fall from the top of the video.

Amazing Miniature Paintings

Original art and miniature paintings of Melody Lea Lamb

Melody Lea Lamb

Melody Lea Lamb is an artist, paints miniatures (ACEOs) of animals and fantasy, and illustrates children’s books (award winning illustrator). This week we publish a collection of ten amazing miniature paintings of Melody Lea Lamb, picked up especially for our blog by the artist herself.

Tabla Solo by Sourabh Goho

Listen live Surtarang radio broadcast on 101.8 WCR FM

Sourabh Goho

Sourabh Goho is a young tabla player from Kolkata, India. He is going to have an online Tabla Solo (Sarangi Accompanist: Vijai Mishra ) on 22nd June 2011 on radio broadcast Surtarang (Wave of Melody) on 101.8 WCR FM, Wolverhampton City, United Kingdom.

The Worst Pop Song of All Time

10 million YouTube hits for Rebecca Black's music video Friday

Rebecca Black's Friday

US teen Rebecca Black’s music video called Friday, described as “the worst pop song of all time”, has become a global sensation, view count leaped to 10 million on YouTube and catapulting its fun loving 13 year-old American performer to stardom.