Twitter Applications — FollowFriday Helper
Micah Baldwin initiated the tradition of #FollowFriday to recommend your twitter friends every Friday. Last Friday I introduced a twitter application that automates your Follow Friday endorsements. Today, I give you yet another choice to mention tweeps not only on Fridays but any other day of the week.
Follow Friday Helper Twitter application is a simple utility to help you do your weekly recommendations and thank the people you interact with the most in a matter of a few clicks.
Sometimes you find it difficult to recommend frinds on #FF who mentioned you last week as you find it too much work to do. That’s why some people prefer to endorse on daily basis, and we see tags like #FollowThursday #FollowNow #FollowEveryDay #MustFollow #FollowerOfTheDay etc. And easiest of all, people immediately RT, or send a #ThankYou or #Gratitude mention. Whatever may be your preference, if you still want to automate then Follow Friday Helper is the simplest solution. So even if the application name is Follow Friday Helper, it is of great help any day of the week, for any type of twitter endorsement.
How it Works?
FollowFriday Helper twitter application makes it dead-easy to recommend tweeps on Twitter. It shows you a filtered list of users you interact with on Twitter. You can then write more personal #TY, #Gratitude, #FollowFriday (..etc) tweets using the user’s name, URL, bio and location with just a few clicks.
Login Securely Using OAuth
You login to your account securely using Twitter Oauth. The application never saves your Twitter username and password information, and will never send as much as a tweet without your concent!
Filter and Sort Users
As soon as you log in, it provides you with a filtered list of users based on your interactions last week. You may filter users anyway you want on 5 different criteria, or get a list of all people you interacted with:
- RTs Received — People who RT’ed you
- RTs Sent — People you RT’ed
- Mentions — People who mentioned you
- Favorites — People you favorited
- Recommendations Received — People who recommended me
- [All the above]
It is up to you to decide the content of the list. Maybe you want to recommend people that recommended you, or just anyone who mentioned you on Twitter lately.
The service is entirely free. But in the beginning, the All option is disabled. You will have to tweet about this service to enable the “all” feature of #FollowFriday Helper for the next month.
3 minutes ago via #FollowFriday Helper
Once, your list is ready, you may further sort it on the basis of:
- Tweet Count
- Last Tweet Date
- Screen Name
For each user on the list, you may take the following 4 actions:
- View all Tweets
- Hide
- Follow / Unfollow
- Recommend
View all Tweets
If you click this option, a popup window opens up with all the tweets from that user in the recent past. I am working on a Twitteromania page on my eMagazine. There I intend to feature Follow Friday Friend of the Week, on the basis of support I have received from him. Similarly, I would also like to feature my Favorite Mentions. You may decide to give someone a special mention.
I hide users who have given me indirect mentions in RTs. If someone wants to mention me, he should do so directly by engaging in conversation with me or via RT of my tweets, and not someone else.
I generally also hide those who are not following me for the simple reason that if a person is not following me, how could I request someone else to follow him. He may not follow back.
Ofcourse, I thank them without fail for their mentions. So if I am sending #gratitude tweets rather than #ff, I could unhide a user, just going to the Unhide Users page.
Follow / Unfollow
On the basis of mentions and quality of tweets, you may follow whom you are not following or unfollow someone you are already following. Say for example, my personal preference is that I don’t accept as friends those who are vulgar or abusive. If I find four-lettered words in someone’s tweets, I unfollow him without any hesitation.
Recommend Tweeps
There are 2 ways to recommend your friends:
Personal Recommendations
This is the way #FollowFriday should be done. Send personalized #FollowFriday, #ThankYou, #Gratitude (or any other) tweets using FF Helper’s dead-easy interface. Play Follow Friday on Twitter the way it should be done. Click on ‘recommend’ next to any user to build a more personalized recommendation tweet.
Click the recommend button below any user listed, and you’ll get all his info in a neat dialog box.
First, you choose the Tweet type: #FollowFriday #ff #ThankYou #TY #Gratitude #Top #FollowSaturday #FollowSunday #FollowMonday #FollowTuesday #FollowWednesday #FollowThursday #FollowNow #FollowEveryDay #MustFollow #FollowerOfTheDay
The dialog box shows the user’s name, screen name, location, bio, and website link. Click around it to build a personalized tweet in no time.
Click on [Tweet This] button to tweet your message.
Keep on creating more personalized messages by repeating the process for other user names of your choice.
13 minutes ago via #FollowFriday Helper
Multiple People Recommendations
If you’re in a hurry, but want to make sure your tweeps know that you’re there and you care, FF Helper’s multi-user tweet builder is what you need. You may easily build a multi-person #followfriday tweet. You have already filtered your list as explained above.
The FF Helper displays a multiple people recommendation dialog box above the list, with the instruction –
Write a multi-user recommendation tweet by clicking on the usernames of tweeps below:
First, you choose the Tweet type as you did above. Then from the list click on a couple of user names. If you want, you may also include name, URL, and location. Like twitter, it shows you how many characters left.
Click on [Tweet This] button to tweet your message.
Keep on repeating the process till your list is exhausted.
half a minute ago via #FollowFriday Helper
Tweets Sent History
This option gives you a list of all tweets you sent from FFH. It showed me the two tweets I sent in the last half an hour to check out this service.
I am fully satisfied and extremely happy with all the features, flexibility, simplicity and ease of use of Follow Friday Helper. I am yet to come across any other application in this category better than this.
Visit Website: FollowFriday Helper.
I would be glad if you share with all the readers any other application by writing your comments. If you like my style of writing, and if you want me to review any other application, do not hesitate to let me know. Oh! Yes, I would definitely give you a #FollowFriday mention for your valued comments.
Please, also read: Automated FollowFriday Tweets
Follow Friday helps you to endorse your friends on Fridays.

Hey there, You have done an incredible job. I will certainly digg it and personally recommend to my friends. I’m sure they will be benefited from this web site. Great beat ! ipad 2 now.
Thank you so much for posting this article. I use this site every Friday to recommend all my friends it is a very powerful and useful tool and saves alot of precious time, time that I can be talking to my twitter friends!! 🙂
I fully agree with you. If you want to save time, you may use such automated programs.
What a fabulous invention! I can introduce my friends with their own self-introduction. Friends I recommend with this tool are very happy and I am also happy!!! It makes easier and more effective to connect people with one another.
comments comments comments
First of all very grateful about mentioning me among the examples above , happy and not surprised about your generosity 🙂
Time & internet is something can not be homogeneous , always we need more time for more awareness about the net and its compounds !
now with your article, automating follow Friday will be a great help for those who do not have yet idea & add more specific secrets for those who do not have complete idea even me i prefer manual follow Friday , i feel that makes more warmth relationship with friends in addition you feel the mutual convo all together !
Again thanks a lot Paul 🙂
I always maintain manual lists for the week, and then recommend on Fridays. But that is very time consuming. At times you are not able to meet all ends, then automation saves you some time, and avoids embarrassment that you were not being grateful for the mentions. So I use FollowFriday whenever I am short of time so that I may not fail to express my gratitude.
Paul great little script a real time saver. As you well know in life any time saved is valuable . For this reason I'm a believer in automation .Time is something we just don't have or ever will have enough of.
When time runs out it is gone forever that is why I made my software to help tweeple save time manage there twitter accounts and be able to spend more time with there loved ones.
As always Paul great information. I'm truly fortunate and honored to have you as a true friend of mine.
kindest regards
Al Garretson
I fully agree with you, time is so valuable. I generally recommend #FF manually. But these days, I am over burdened. So last two weeks I have been using FollowFriday Helper, a very useful application.
Excellent article on the benefits of using FollowFriday, and the capabilities it offers. Even those familiar with FollowFriday, are probably unaware of all the features offered or 'why' and 'how' to use. I learned a few new things myself.
Articles/reviews such as this are such a wonderful resource for twitter account users. Keep up the great work of providing valuable insight and information. It is greatly appreciated.
Please, visit our blog frequently. We publish articles about useful and popular twitter applications.
Great information as always Subrato. Saves a lot of time when others recommend a useful site. Thanks.
Please also read our article – Automated FollowFriday Tweets. That is a similar application for #FF recommendation.
Great info as always Subrato. Saves a lot of time when others recommend a useful site. Thanks.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Subrato Paul, Subrato Paul and Subrato Paul, Subrato Paul. Subrato Paul said: RT @goldenTwine Automated FollowFriday Recommendations | GoldenTwine Blog http://bit.ly/aX5UD8 […]