Blog Promotion with BlogUpp!

BlogUpp! is a quality blog network and blog promotion service


Design and Layout – Blog Widgets

Getting Traffic to Your Blog – BlogUpp!

Many first time bloggers assume that once their blog is setup and they post a few articles, they will easily start getting real blog readers even without any promotion. That is quite untrue. You won’t get any traffic till your blog gets discovered and read. A cool solution to broadcast your blog widely is BlogUpp!

BlogUpp! is a quality blog network and blog promotion service broadcasting via blog widget, blog discovery toolbar, blog directory, and social networks auto-share, with Premium offering for bloggers and advertisers.

BlogUpp! is a free service that requires you to place a non-obtrusive and interactive widget on your blog (can be found on my blog’s side bar). This widget then displays snapshot of relevant blogs and articles. Your blog will be promoted on other blogs that have this widget installed while you promote other blogs. Premium blog promotion packages are also available at a nominal cost.

BlogUpp! is Unique in Several Ways

  • No Sign-up needed
  • Auto-Share on Social Web
  • Selected Blogs, Exclusively
  • Blog Ranking and multi-Targeting
  • All-in-One Blog Promotion Solution
  • Blogspot, WordPress and alike friendly
  • Welcome Bonus for Every Approved Blog
  • Premium from € 5 (Featured, Boost, No Ads)
  • Best de Facto Exchange Ratio (10:9)

There are a few other sites providing somewhat similar services. BlogUpp! have compared their services with three others in their blog:
Comparing BlogUpp! & other services

How does BlogUpp! Work?

  • BlogUpp! snapshots each blog and reads its RSS on a regular basis;
  • For every 10 blogs shared in your widget, yours is shared in 9 others;
  • The widget shows interactively the blog image and its latest post;
  • Easily enable auto-share via BlogUpp! to broadcast on Facebook;
  • Approved blogs are also promoted via blog directory and blog discovery toolbar;
  • And all this is completely FREE and with no effort whatsoever.

BlogUpp! Widget Setup

To have the BlogUpp! widget up and running on a blog is a child’s play. There is no signup to use the widget, the setup can be done in seconds, and no maintenance is required afterwards. Just enter the link to your blog, customize with one click, and grab your blog promotion widget to start off to promote your blog widely. Click the Facebook button, and confirm the authorization to enable auto-share via BlogUpp! to broadcast on Facebook.

Widget Setup

Once you have submitted your blog, it is analyzed and approved manually in a timely manner. Adult, gambling, and illegal or inappropriate content blogs are not accepted.

As indicator of the approval status is the color of the widget bar with BlogUpp! Logo. Hence, Grey stands for pending, Blue – for approved, and Red – for denied.

See the grey widget bar in the screen grab below when I first installed the widget, and my blog was pending. The grey bar turned blue (see in the side bar of my blog) after my blog was reviewed and the widget was activated within a day.

Pending Widget Bar

I used the widget and blog discovery toolbar, and came across a few blogs promoting my blog in their widget. See the screen grab below of one such blog.

Blog Promotion

How BlogUpp! Offers Free Service

The 10 to 9 sharing ratio leaves BlogUpp! 1 impression out of each 10, which is used for advertising and Premium extra-promotion acquired by bloggers. This allows the service self-support expenses like bandwidth and servers, and ultimately provide its community a cost free service.

Additional BlogUpp! Benefits

BlogUpp! blog promotion service offers free blog marketing via 4 channels at once: blog widget, blog discovery toolbar, blog directory, and social networks auto-share.

Blog Widget

I have already discussed how the widget works. Every time you publish a blog post – your friends in your blog network will know, automatically.

Blog Discovery Toolbar

BlogUpp! blog promotion service also provides a blog discovery toolbar for you to discover excellent new blogs. The toolbar is generated automatically, and requires neither installation, nor sign-up. It shows up upon clicking in the widget (click it in the sidebar to try out the toolbar), and while accessing any external link from blog directory. Blog discovery toolbar comes enriched with a number of features, which offer the possibility to rate blogs, share them, comment and keep exploring blogs further.

Blog Directory

BlogUpp! blog directory provides more blog exposure opportunities, and it is searchable. It helps to connect bloggers via blog tags presented in a handy manner in blog directory’s sidebar, and in a separate tag cloud page. Top blogs and recently updated blogs are mutually displaying each other in order to increase the blog promotion chances for top performing and frequently updated blogs.

The search box comes handy in finding your blogs in the directory, and seeing what blog thumbnail and blog post are actually used while we promote your blog within the widget across BlogUpp! community of blogs.

Auto-Share on Social Web

BlogUpp! also allows bloggers enable auto-share on Facebook, to broadcast blogs on social web seamlessly, and for maximum reach to your audience.

BlogUpp! Stats

I have just installed the widget to test it out, and it’s too early to jump to any conclusion. It’s very important to analyze how much I have gained. And here is a drawback. Unless and until you have an OpenID identifier you can’t log into BlogUpp! Stats, and see your blog promotion details. They should provide OpenId buttons like Yahoo, etc so that one could log in easily. I am yet to know my details, and that is disappointing.

You may become a Premium to acquire additional impressions for much better results.

Although initially designed for bloggers, actually any website with enabled RSS can use the BlogUpp! Service.

Video Demo – Blog Promotion with BlogUpp!

Automated Blog Promotion with BlogUpp! is a demo placed on YouTube, which shows how to promote your blog through the widget. Here goes the embedded video.

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Add LinkWithin Widget to Gain Pageviews
Show related stories with thumbnails under each blog post!
Related Posts with Thumbnails
Admin/Author Admin/Author: Subrato Paul, owner of GoldenTwine Informatics founded in April 2003, lives in Kolkata, India. He is a freelance website designer, Internet marketer, social media enthusiast, and blogger. He writes in his blogs and as a guest writer about marketing and social media, eCommerce, website design and development, and his website.
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  1. EstherHawdon
    | Permalink

    Reading your article, I found blogging one of the best ways to get opportunities to exchange ideas and opinions! I will try it soon! Your information is so helpful and great!

    • A blog differs from a static website because it is interactive. Readers feedback motivates a blogger. Sky is the only limit when you pick up a topic for your blog.
      I am happy to note that you would like to start your own blog. Do not hesitate to let me know if you need any help or guidance.
      Thanks for your visit.

      • EstherHawdon
        | Permalink

        so I can choose any subject! I will choose my favorite theme, probably literature. When I need your help, I will let you know. Thank you!!

        • Of course! I would request you to first make a Google search for ‘literature blogs’. Get an idea of how people are blogging on this topic. Then go ahead and create your own blog. I shall do whatever best I could to help you.

          • EstherHawdon
            | Permalink

            Thanks for useful information. According to your advice, I will make a Google search and get a clear idear of what it is to blog on my topic. It will take time to create mine and seems a little difficult. So I will ask you whenever I have questions. Thanks for your kindness!

  2. I’ve used BlogUpp for over a year now and found it to be pretty handy.

    I wasn’t aware of the new sharing feature, will stop and check that out 🙂


    • Yes, you can now auto-share on Facebook. I generally share on Facebook from Digg.
      While using any auto-share one should be careful not to share from more than one source. I auto-share on twitter from Google’s feedburner with hash tags.
      We could make BlogUpp! successful by visiting other blogs from the widget or toolbar.

  3. interesting article , i personally interested to have more traffic to my website , is it easy to download the widget ,i think it will be more practical for blog promotion
    thanks a lot

    • Setting up BlogUpp! is very simple. Visit the site and see for yourself. If you face any problem, let me know.

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