Category Archives: Web Widgets

Web widgets are intended for use on (embedding in) webpages and have major implications in areas such as site performance, SEO and even back link campaigns.

Add LinkWithin Widget to Gain Pageviews

Show related stories with thumbnails under each blog post!


There are many ways to get more and more traffic to your blog. You should also keep them engaged with your blog, and increase pageviews. You may do so by adding LinkWithin blog widget that appears under each blog post, linking to related stories with thumbnails from your blog archive.

Blog Promotion with BlogUpp!

BlogUpp! is a quality blog network and blog promotion service


Many first time bloggers assume that once their blog is setup and they post a few articles, they will easily start getting real blog readers even without any promotion. That is quite untrue. You won’t get any traffic till your blog gets discovered and read. A cool solution to broadcast your blog widely is BlogUpp!