Knowledgebase – SEO Tools
Search Engine Tools – Free XML Sitemap
A Sitemap is an easy way for a webmaster to inform search engines about pages that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that contains an entire list of pages from a website. Sitemaps are generally created so that an entire website can be indexed by major search engines.
Create a free sitemap in minutes with Free Sitemap XML, download the generated sitemap, and submit to Google and Bing.
Add your name, email, and URL to the form provided on FreeSitemapXML to create a free sitemap. Download the XML sitemap generated. Submit to Google and Bing.
Create Your Sitemap
To submit your sitemap to Google and Bing, start by uploading your sitemap to your website’s root directory. Then log into your webmaster account and add the URL of your new sitemap to the form provided in your account.
Submitting Sitemaps
Once you have created a Sitemap in an accepted format, you can submit it to Google using Google Webmaster Tools. This enables Google to provide you with useful status and statistical information.
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