Twitter Applications – TweetEraser
There are various reasons that you may want to delete all or some of your tweets and want them not to be found in searches. Whatever may be the reason, there are many tools that allow you to delete your tweets from your timeline in bulk.
One such completely free service to mass delete your tweets from your Twitter account is TweetEraser. You may get started in 3 easy steps: sign in with Twitter, filter your tweets, and delete your tweets.
TweetEraser is a simple web-based tool designed to help you filter and delete your bulk Tweets on an easy way.
Get started in 3 easy steps
So here are the easy steps:
Visit the TweetEraser website, and Sign up with Twitter.
On top you will now find a simple form to filter your search results.
Search: Your timeline or Your direct messages (sent or received messages)
Search options: Text strings (one or more, this exact) or #Hash tags (one or more, this exact)
Date options: earlier, since or between
Click the button, start searching.
After a while all the items that match your search criteria would be retrieved.
If you want do delete only one tweet, use the right hand side waste basket symbol of this Tweet. Otherwise you can select each checkbox manually. Use the ‘+’ symbol to select or deselect all result items.
A big red delete selected items button appears (see the screenshot). Once you click the delete button, you will be asked to confirm with a warning message – These item(s) will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Are you sure?
This is your last chance to cancel your order if you are not sure. Once you confirm, selected items will be permanently deleted.
No Tweet that is deleted can be restored on Twitter.
Once deleted, there is no way to recover your tweets. So erase all tweets only if you are sure that you will never need them again.
Better option would be to download your Twitter Archive and then delete all your tweets.
These tools often work unexpectedly. So proceed only if you are ready to face problems.
The Twitter API doesn’t allow you to delete more than 3,200 tweets at one time.
Have a look to Howto and FAQ pages on the site before starting.
If you have tried any such tool we would love to have your feedback on our comments section.
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TweetEraser is a simple web-based tool designed to help you filter and delete your bulk Tweets on an easy way. Get started in 3 easy steps!
Zuid-Holland, Den Haag ·
Tweet Eraser also allows you to delete direct messages also. We have reviewed three popular tools that clean your DM inbox.
Purge DM Inbox on Twitter
How to delete your Twitter direct messages with SocialOomph
Clean Your Twitter DM Inbox
It’s easy to clean out your DM inbox with DM Cleaner
Clean Your Twitter Inbox
It’s easy to clean out your DM inbox with InboxCleaner
While there may be social aspects to any medium (e.g. links to share an article by email), social media typically refers to those media whose major functions are oriented toward sharing of information, and consequently most of the information on such media are generated by users. Common examples of social media sites are Twitter and Facebook.
Social media marketing is the process of promoting your site or business through social media channels.
Visit our website to learn more about Social Media Marketing
How to delete your Twitter direct messages with SocialOomph.
Free tool to see if your Twitter followers are real or fake.