Facebook News – Trending Topics
Facebook today began rolling out its new Trending feature that lets users know the topics of discussion that are trending among the site’s 1.2 billion users, whether it’s the death of a world leader or the Oscars. Unlike Twitter, which simply lists topics, the Facebook trending section explains why a particular topic is trending.
Desktop users in the US, UK, Canada, India and Australia will begin seeing a list of trending topics on the right side of their Facebook homepage in coming weeks. It will be available in more countries later on.
Today morning as I visited my Facebook ‘Homepage’ after publishing a few posts, including the sad news of passing away of legendary Indian actor Suchitra Sen, I noticed the new ‘Trending’ feature on the right sidebar. Each trending topic is accompanied by a bold headline and a brief explanation of why it is trending. It listed three trending topics, and you may click ‘See More’ to expand the list.
When you click the ‘Learn More,’ it takes you to a Desktop Help page that explains the feature:
Trending shows you the popular topics and hashtags that are being talked about on Facebook. You will see stories from people and Pages who have shared them with you or have shared them as Public.
From the right side of your homepage, click a topic that’s trending to see what people are saying about it.
Trending Help
As explained on Facebook help page, I clicked the first trending topic ‘Suchitra Sen:’, and it opened a new page of mentions related to the trend by friends, Pages, and public posts by anyone who lets people “Follow” them. I also found my post on this topic that I had published a little while ago trending at number two. See the screenshot below:
Trending isn’t available to everyone right now. Trending topics won’t be available on the mobile version of Facebook, but the company said it is testing the feature in its app for smartphones and tablet computers.
GoldenTwine Informatics has a strong presence on Facebook. We have a personal page, and two community pages for our website and blog. Besides, you may also follow our blog on NetworkedBlogs.
While there may be social aspects to any medium (e.g. links to share an article by email), social media typically refers to those media whose major functions are oriented toward sharing of information, and consequently most of the information on such media are generated by users. Common examples of social media sites are Twitter and Facebook.
Social media marketing is the process of promoting your site or business through social media channels.
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Facebook begins official timeline release ten weeks after beta release