Knowledgebase – SEO Tools
Search Engine Preview Tools – Keyword Density Checker
A keyword is a word that a web surfer will input in the search box when searching for specific information about a product or service. Keyword Analysis is a fundamental search engine optimization strategy.
The true definition of keyword density (SEO) is the measurement in percentage of times a keyword or key phrase appears compared to the total number of words on a web page. For example, if your page has 100 words, and your keyword or phrase appears 5 times, its density is 5%.
However, there is another, more complex measure of keyword density which takes into account the number of times the keyword appears in your meta tags (Title, Keywords, Description, and Comments tag) and Alt tags besides the number of times a visitor will see your keyword. It is argued that this measure of keyword density is more relevant as the search engines measure density in this fashion.
Keyword density is important because search engines use this information to categorize a site’s theme, and to determine which terms the site is relevant to. The perfect keyword density will help achieve higher search engine positions. Keyword density needs to be balanced correctly, too low and you will not get the optimum benefit, too high and your page might get flagged for keyword spamming.
It is important for your main keywords to have the correct keyword density to increase your site’s visibility in the search engine results pages. For maximum SEO results it is recommended to have roughly 3% keyword density for your target keyword. If you are targeting multiple keywords, you should keep keyword density 2% or higher.
The keyword density tool is useful for helping webmasters and SEOs achieve their optimum keyword density for a set of key terms.
Use this keyword density tool to check the density of different keywords at the site of your choice.
This tool will analyze a page and measure which single words, pairs of words, and trios of words occur most often. Then it provides an interesting look at whether you have established any vocabulary-related patterns that should be broken.
Keyword Density Checker
Please note that due to web spam keyword density by itself is a fairly poor measure of relevancy.
Many SEO experts suggest that Google sees pages with a keyword density of greater than 2% as spam.
Strive for a Keyword Density of Around 3% or Less!
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