Pinterest Error – Blocked This Pin

We have blocked this pin for your safety

Blocked Pin

Pinterest News – Blocked Pin

I have a Pin Board on Pinterest – Art & Sculpture. I found a Street Art from Mexico interesting, and wanted to share it on the social media, including Pinterest. But I was surprised when Pinterest blocked this pin for our safety, and I would like to share my experience with you.

This is the post that I wanted to share on Pinterest:

Art & Sculpture
Street Art in Tijuana, Mexico.
Photo: Allard Schager

Street Art in Tijuana

When I tried to pin the above Street Art post on January 31, 2014, and again today, I failed to pin it on both the occasions.

The Pinterest gave the following Pinterest Error:

This pin contains a link or text that we do not allow. We have blocked this pin for your safety.

Blocked Pin

Basically this means that Pinterest does not like the links or texts in this post. I don’t find anything objectionable either in the image or in the text of this post. I have pinned many street art images from the same source without any problem.

It was successfully published on other networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

Have you faced such a problem? If yes, please share your experience on this blog post.

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Admin/Author Admin/Author: Subrato Paul, owner of GoldenTwine Informatics founded in April 2003, lives in Kolkata, India. He is a freelance website designer, Internet marketer, social media enthusiast, and blogger. He writes in his blogs and as a guest writer about marketing and social media, eCommerce, website design and development, and his website.
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