Tag Archives: badamtala ashar sangha

Subho Maha Sasthi Durga Puja 2017

Five famous pandals visited on Sasthi in Kolkata.

Subho Maha Sasthi Durga Puja 2017

Durga Puja is one of the biggest Hindu festivals in India that is celebrated with great enthusiasm and grandeur. Durga Puja is also known as Durgotsava and Sharadotsava. Durga Puja is particularly a significant festival of West Bengal. For Bangalis, it is a five days long festival celebration which is been observed as Sasthi, Maha Saptami, Maha Ashtami, Maha Navami and Vijayadasami. The festival begins on Sasthi and ends on Dasami when the idol of goddess Durga is immersed into the rivers or any other water bodies. Festival of Durga Puja epitomises the triumph of Good (goddess Durga) over Evil (Mahisasura the demon). It is a worship of power of good which always wins over the evil.

Durga Puja Parikrama 2014

Twelve famous pandals visited during Durga Puja in Kolkata.

Durga Puja Parikrama

Any Durga Puja celebration is incomplete without visiting the many different pandals (displays) of Goddess Durga, each with a unique theme. A major attraction during the festival, this activity is often referred to a Pandal Hopping. The magnificence of the festival is revealed in these twelve famous and extravagant Pandals in Kolkata, some modern and some traditional, that were worth visiting during Durga Puja in 2014.