Tag Archives: dissolve kidney stones

World Kidney Day 2016

Kidney disease and children, act early to prevent it.

World Kidney Day 2016

World Kidney Day is celebrated annually on the second Thursday in March. So this year it is held today all over the world on March 10, 2016. The celebration was started in the year 2006 by 66 countries. Within two years, this number rose to 88. The theme for 2016 is ‘Kidney Disease & Children, Act Early to Prevent it’.

How to Dissolve Kidney Stones

Learn it all in less than 100 words.

Kidney Stone Removal Report

How to dissolve kidney stones and flush them away like magic. Plus you could keep them from coming back without drugs or costly surgery. You can dissolve your kidney stones naturally with simple recipes from your grocery store.

Dissolve and Pass Your Kidney Stones

Painlessly and naturally dissolve kidney stones and flush them away.

Kidney Stone Removal Report

In just a few hours, you could rid yourself of painful kidney stones almost like magic, and keep them from coming back ever again. It’s true. There is a secret, natural cure that could not only save you from the agony associated with kidney stones, but also the sky-rocketing cost of surgery.