Tag Archives: milestones

WordPress Powers 50 Million Sites

More than 50 million WordPress sites in the world


The popular blogging platform WordPress has reached an important milestone as it now powers more than 50 million sites, about half of which are hosted on WordPress.com. They have updated their official stats page to count WordPress installations as well as WordPress.com blogs.

Twitter’s 20 Billionth Tweet

Twitter reaches another milestone hitting 20 billion tweets.

20 Billionth Tweet

According to tracking service Giga Tweet, Twitter has now crossed a record 20 billion tweets, just two months after the previous milestone of 15 billion tweets. Twitter sets this milestone when a Japanese twitter user sent world’s 20 billionth tweet of the four-year-old website.

Hundred Million Plugin Downloads

10,143 plugins, 100 million downloads, and counting


WordPress is a state-of-the-art, free, and priceless publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. Plugins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine.