Tag Archives: twitter tools

Nine Years on Twitter

Twitter would remind you about your Twitter Anniversary.

Nine Years on Twitter

Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! Simple, the month and year is displayed in my profile but not the date. In fact, it is displayed to the audience in the profile of all Twitter members. Twitter would also remind you on the day of your Twitter Anniversary. Now you know the date as well. If you want to know the exact date and even time when you joined Twitter then there are many tools that let you find out.

Fake Followers App for Twitter

Free tool to see if your Twitter followers are real or fake.

Fake Followers App

Perhaps, we all have suspicious or inactive followers on Twitter. Fake Followers App by Socialbakers is a simple tool to see if your Twitter followers are real or fake. Use the free tool as a guide to see if your followers are real, suspicious, or inactive.

Delete Your Tweets In Bulk

Get started in 3 easy steps with TweetEraser to delete tweets in bulk


There are many tools that allow you to delete your tweets from your timeline in bulk. One such completely free service to mass delete your tweets from your Twitter account is TweetEraser. You may get started in 3 easy steps: sign in with Twitter, filter your tweets, and delete your tweets.

Purge DM Inbox on Twitter

How to delete your Twitter direct messages with SocialOomph

Purge Your DM Inbox

As you know Twitter doesn’t allow you to purge your direct messages. You are to delete them one at a time which is time consuming. However, there are third party twitter tools like SocialOomph that you can use to purge your DM inbox.

Clean Your Twitter DM Inbox

It's easy to clean out your DM inbox with DM Cleaner

Clean Your Twitter Inbox

Everyone on Twitter deserves a clean Twitter inbox, free of spam and irrelevant messages. DM Cleaner is a smart Twitter web application that lets you clean up your Inbox in seconds. DM Cleaner allows you to handle your Twitter Direct Messages far more easily than the website does.

Clean Your Twitter Inbox

It's easy to clean out your DM inbox with InboxCleaner

Clean Your Twitter Inbox

Direct messages are of use for personal communication and the sharing of less public links such as e-mail addresses. But spammers use DM as a convenient tool to spam. I have cleaned my direct messages with a tool called InboxCleaner. You may give it a try.

TweetLevel Measures Twitter Influence

Provides an easy way to navigate your influence on Twitter


TweetLevel is a nifty tool to measure influence on Twitter. Unlike other social media analytics tools that measure influence across multiple and very different social media platforms, TweetLevel only analyzes Twitter.

Twitter Follow Button

Easiest way for users to discover and follow your account directly on your website

Twitter Follow Button

On May 31, 2011, Twitter has launched the new Follow Button which can be seen on the right sidebar of this blog alongside the Facebook Like button launched just over a year ago, and the Google Plusone button which is made public today. Follow button enables their visitors to subscribe to their Twitter feeds directly from their websites with a single click.

365 Days on Twitter

GoldenTwine completed 365 days on Twitter.

GoldenTwine on Twitter

I joined Twitter rather late on September 26, 2009. Today, I have completed 365 days on Twitter. I have 20,921 followers and 20,910 following, listed in 2,080 lists, tweeted 20,414 times.

Twitter Tweet Button

Learn how to use twitter tweet button and add it to your site.

Tweet Button

Share buttons are small widgets added to sites to count how many times users shared a link on social media networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Share buttons help publishers grow traffic. Twitter has now officially released its own Tweet Button on August 12, 2010 to make sharing simple.