Tag Archives: website speed test

Pingdom Website Speed Test

Test the load time of your website, analyze it and find bottlenecks

Pingdom Website Speed Test

Pingdom offers an online analysis tool that reveals page weight, download speed, code analysis, performance grades, development suggestions, and more. The first thing I recommend you to do is test your website load time as nobody likes a slow website.

Website Performance Test

Test your website using comprehensive testing network

Website Performance Test

You may test your website using Gomez’s instant testing to find performance problems. You will get instant performance results for your website, and tips on how to improve your web performance. you may test from about 25 nodes all over the world.

Website Speed Check Tool

Find out how long it takes your site to load

Source Code Tools

Use the Website Speed Check tool by Rapid Searchmetrics to figure out just how long it takes your site to load. With this information, you may want to optimize your website or even change the slow ISP and web host.