Text Link Checker Tool

Scan links on your website and flag possible problem areas

Link Tools

Knowledgebase – SEO Tools

Link Based Tools – Text Link Checker Tool

Search engine optimization efforts of your website or blog could be met using free SEO tools from Google and dozens of other SEO and marketing related sites.

Experts consider reciprocal links or link exchanges to be the most effective way to increase traffic to your site. They also agree that reciprocal links increase your link popularity.

While exchanging links with other sites you are concerned about who you are linking to. One thing to bear in mind is relevancy. It is not about quantity but quality. It is better to have 20 relevant reciprocal links than 200 irrelevant reciprocal links. Experts agree that relevant links are much more effective.

I have come across an SEO tool called Text Link Checker Tool that provides you knowledge about sites that have bad reputations and/or conduct malicious activities.

With this tool exchanging links with less than desirable sites is easily avoidable. Google, Yahoo and Bing all consider a site’s reputation, making bad neighborhood avoidance a key aspect of any search engine marketing campaign.

Text Link Checker Tool
Text links are an important factor in today’s search engine optimization, and exchanging links with other websites is a good way to get them. However, doing a link exchange with a website that is penalized can have some detrimental results.
This tool will scan the links on your website, and on the pages that your website is linking to, and flag possible problem areas. This can greatly ease your seo efforts.
For an explanation of what the various visual cues mean, mouse over them for more information.
Text Link Checker

Text Link Checker Tool

It’s so easy to use the tool! You just enter the URL to scan. The tool will scan up to 40 pages, and give you a summary report like:

  • Total Links found
  • Unique Links found
  • Questionable Links found
  • Pages scanned: 40

For each page scanned, it will tell you:
Scanned: Number of links found, Number of questionable links found, header returned: HTTP Status Code like 200 OK, etc., along with visual cues.

For an explanation of what the various visual cues mean, mouse over them for more information. These are the cues:

icn1The Page Checks Clean icon indicates that no links on this page that were found had signs of linking to potentially risky websites, based solely on anchor text evaluation.
icn6Link Density refers to the total number of links on a page. Google Webmaster Guidelines recommend keeping the number of links on any one page to a “reasonable number” (they suggest under 100). Pages that are very link heavy can sometimes be indicative of a Bad Neighborhood (ie. a blog that has been heavily spammed, or a link farm), although obviously this is not always the case.
icn2The Bad Neighborhood Warning icon indicates that somewhere on the page there was a link that had anchor text that could be indicative of industries or fields which tend to have a high incidence of search engine spamming, or may not be considered “family friendly”. Industries which fall under these categories would include areas such as Adult Entertainment, Online Gambling, and Pharmaceutical.
icn4The Redirected icon indicates that the scanner encountered a server side redirect response when querying the page. The redirect was either a 301 Moved Permanently or a 302 Found (sometimes referred to as a “Moved Temporarily” response), and should not be confused with meta-refresh or Javascript style redirects.
The 403 Forbidden icon means that the server would not allow our bot to spider the page in question. It may mean that the page itself is restricted from public access. This is not an indicator of a Bad Neighborhood in any way, it just means that we were unable to spider andanalyze the page at this time.
icn3The 404 Not Found icon means that the page that we attempted to spider does not exist. While missing pages in and of themselves are not signs of a Bad Neighborhood, it may mean that the site linking to the missing page is not updated as frequently as it should be. The general consensus is also that the search engines may determine that a site that leads to many 404’s should have a lower trust factor.
icn5The Blogspam icon, when displayed, indicates that the domain that the page exists on has a high occurrence of links that appear to be from blogs. While this is normal in many cases, such as with forums or other blogs, for many commercial websites this could indicate an attempt to increase search engine rankings through blog comment spamming.
Important Note:
This tool is intended as a guide to assist webmasters in locating potential problem areas with their linking strategies, it is not intended to dictate who you do or do not link out to.
Please read more at the Bad Neighborhood Clarification post on:
Bad Neighborhood Blog
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Admin/Author Admin/Author: Subrato Paul, owner of GoldenTwine Informatics founded in April 2003, lives in Kolkata, India. He is a freelance website designer, Internet marketer, social media enthusiast, and blogger. He writes in his blogs and as a guest writer about marketing and social media, eCommerce, website design and development, and his website.
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