Website Speed Check Tool

Find out how long it takes your site to load

Source Code Tools

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Source Code Tools – Website Speed Test

With today’s high-speed internet, people are accustomed to websites loading at a pretty fast pace. The maximum time visitors to your website are willing to wait is just a matter of seconds, before getting frustrated and giving up.

Don’t get left behind! Use the Website Speed Check tool by Rapid Searchmetrics to figure out just how long it takes your site to load. With this information, you may want to optimize your website or even change the slow ISP and web host.

Website Speed Check Tool
The website speed tester shows the duration of a given website. This value can be used for showing how long a website takes to load and if it is better to optimize the website or change a (slow) ISP.
Website Speed Check

Enter the URL of the web page and check the load time, and related factors. The speed check report provides the following information:

  • Speed and size of the entered domain.
  • Estimated load time for several bandwidths.
  • Number and sizes of all CSS files, JavaScript files, and images found.

Website Speed Check

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Google Position Checker Tool
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Admin/Author Admin/Author: Subrato Paul, owner of GoldenTwine Informatics founded in April 2003, lives in Kolkata, India. He is a freelance website designer, Internet marketer, social media enthusiast, and blogger. He writes in his blogs and as a guest writer about marketing and social media, eCommerce, website design and development, and his website.
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