Facebook – Milestones
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg made it official on the company’s blog on July 21, 2010 that the social networking site now has 500 million monthly active users.
To celebrate the occassion, Facebook has put together a collection of stories that users have shared with them, detailing the impact the social network has had on their lives.
In addition, Facebook has put together a photo album with messages of thanks.
Mark Zuckerberg posted on the official Facebook Blog on Wednesday, July 21, 2010:
As of this morning, 500 million people all around the world are actively using Facebook to stay connected with their friends and the people around them.
This is an important milestone for all of you who have helped spread Facebook around the world. Now a lot more people have the opportunity to stay connected with the people they care about.
Read more at The Facebook Blog
To celebrate the milestone, Facebook have launched a new application called Facebook Stories where you can share your own story and read hundreds of others, categorized by themes and locations around the world.
Facebook is all about the individual and collective experiences of you and your friends. It’s filled with hundreds of millions of stories. Which ones inspire you? What’s your Facebook story?
Facebook Stories
GoldenTwine Informatics has a strong presence on Facebook. We have a personal page, and a community page for our blog. Besides, you may also follow our blog on NetworkedBlogs.
While there may be social aspects to any medium (e.g. links to share an article by email), social media typically refers to those media whose major functions are oriented toward sharing of information, and consequently most of the information on such media are generated by users. Common examples of social media sites are Twitter and Facebook.
Social media marketing is the process of promoting your site or business through social media channels.
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Google names Facebook most visited site on the web in April
Zuckerberg confirms Facebook has 750 million monthly active users