Tag Archives: google

Create Free XML Sitemap

Create a free sitemap to submit to Google and Bing

Free XML Sitemap

A Sitemap is an easy way for a webmaster to inform search engines about pages that are available for crawling. Create a free sitemap in minutes with Free Sitemap XML, download the generated sitemap, and submit to Google and Bing.

Google Zeitgeist 2013 Lists

What did the world search for in 2013 - Discover top 100 Searches

Google Zeitgeist 2013 Lists

On December 17, 2013, Google released their annual year-end Zeitgeist report. Zeitgeist 2013 includes a video overview of the search trends in 2013 and the year’s top 100 searches. The Nelson Mandela and the Boston bombing dominated various lists alongside the search for “What is twerking?”

Google Zeitgeist 2013 Video

What did the world search for in 2013 - Watch year in review video

Google Zeitgeist 2013 Lists

On December 17, 2013, Google released their annual year-end Zeitgeist (spirit of the times) report, top trending and search lists of the year from 72 countries. Zeitgeist 2013 includes a video overview of the search trends in 2013 and the year’s top 100 searches.

Google Friend Connect Retired

Many other ways to keep in touch with your community

Google+ Business Page

Google announced on their official blog on November 23, 2011 that they are retiring Friend Connect for all non-Blogger sites on March 1, 2012. Find out how you can keep in touch with your community.

Auto-Expanded Sharebox and Follow

Google+ updates +1 button and Google+ badge

Google+ Badge

Google+ brought about two subtle updates to +1 button sharing flow, and Google+ badge to use a Follow button in developer preview today.

Google Bar and Share Box

Google home page gets the share box for Google+ sharing

Share Box on Home Page

The Google bar that spans across Google products updated its look on November 29, 2011. Google had introduced the new bar with plenty of flexibility for the future. We expected more changes in future. For the first time ever Google home page itself gets the share box for Google+ sharing.

Valentine’s Day Google Doodle

Google doodles an animated video celebrating the holiday

Valentine’s Day Google Doodle

Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday, February 14, 2012. Google is celebrating the holiday with an animated doodle on its home page. Tony Bennett’s rendition of Hank Williams’ classic blues ballad “Cold, Cold Heart” accompanies the one-minute animation. Google’s first Valentine’s Day Doodle appeared way back in 2000.